UNB student returns to her roots through experiential learning
January 24, 2022
UNB celebrates Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning Month
April 11, 2022Outcome Campus Connect, Delivered in Partnership Between Orbis and Magnet, Provides the Digital Infrastructure for Future NB

Outcome Campus Connect is proud to be providing the digital infrastructure for Future NB — a first of its kind provincial platform giving students across New Brunswick opportunities to gain experience and get hired by local employers. Future NB puts a spin on Outcome Campus Connect, Canada’s skill development and job opportunity site for university and college students and recent graduates, innovating it for use at the provincial level. Future NB uses Outcome Campus Connect and Orbis’ Outcome software to create a data-driven recruitment gateway between students across New Brunswick, local businesses, and the government.
“I was pleased to be asked by Future NB to participate in the development and implementation of Outcome Campus Connect for the Future NB career readiness platform,” said Craig Dixon, Project Coordinator, University of New Brunswick. “This unique solution will provide our province with a decided advantage, with employers posting their work-integrated learning opportunities for students at New Brunswick schools — with a single click. We eagerly look forward to the official launch of Future NB and having this integral resource in our toolbox as we build our experiential learning ecosystem in New Brunswick.”
Future NB’s strategic three-year plan focuses on sustainability, success for students, supports for employers, and the use of a common platform for connection. Outcome Campus Connect and Orbis’ Outcome work symbiotically to deploy and report on how Future NB is bridging the skills gap, addressing future labour market needs, and working toward post-pandemic recovery. Since launching last year, over 250 partners and 1,500 students across the province have benefited. In addition, the government of New Brunswick will amplify the impact of Future NB by using Outcome Campus Connect data analytics on learner engagement to measure and articulate the success of the project and adapt to provincially meet the future needs of students, employers, and the workforce.
“This partnership between Future NB and Outcome Campus Connect will make it easier for employers to identify and hire student talent with the right skills and experience,” said Luke Nixon-Janssen, Director, Marketing and Business Development at Magnet.
To celebrate this initiative, this week Future NB and their partners will be sharing stories of learners gaining skills and experience through the platform.
Want to know more? Check out the Orbis Mindset in Motion podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5STdOTonLexvjVlRKXY2h9?si=d95fe271d60e4223