Ignite Fredericton hires two STU students; expands intern opportunities
March 26, 2019
Student placements lead to full-time job opportunities at UNI
March 26, 2019UNBSJ Resort Management class apply skills at Algonquin Resort

“Dr. Lee Jolliffe in the UNBSJ Faculty of Business took her Resort Management class on an overnight trip to the Algonquin Resort in St. Andrews, NB. While they were there, students met with the management of the resorts for a “management challenge project”. Students did two related assignments, an individual reflection on their experience at the resort, and a group project responding to the challenges that management presented to them. Representatives of the Algonquin will visit the final class when the students present their solutions to the challenges that management have identified. Through FutureReadyNB, UNB supported students’ transportation and overnight accommodations at the resort. One 4th year student who participated in the opportunity said: ‘This trip was perhaps the most interesting part of my university experience thus far. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to not only have visited and stayed the night, but to also to have had an inside look at this industry’.”