MTA student works with ACORN to raise awareness on sustainable food practices
March 26, 2019
UNB students earn academic credit working with local not-for-profits
March 26, 2019STU student completes internship with the NB Child & Youth Advocate Office

“A fourth year Human Rights & Law, Politics and Society double-major asked to meet with us for a potential internship in preparation for law school. The student came into the meeting with a clear goal and proposal to get a placement at an organization he felt extremely passionate about the NB Child & Youth Advocate Office (CYAO).
We contacted the NB CYAO with a proposal, met with a potential internship supervisor, and within days, the internship was established. The placement turned out to be a perfect match. The intern has been working on legal issues involving systemic reviews, drafting memoranda on these issues, and conducting research on best practices in law and policy affecting child and youth rights.”